Tele-Robotic Surgery: The health sector is constantly taking new changes, and now another new technology has been revealed, which has been revealed "Tele-robotic surgery" It is said. This technique is making the treatment of patients even easier and safe. The special thing is that now doctors can do surgery even though thousands of kilometers away from their place, and all this is possible with the help of 5G internet and robotics.
Through tele-robotic surgery, doctors take help of robots while doing surgery in the patient's body. In this, a machine and camera is kept with the patient, and doctors direct those devices. The advantage of this surgery is that there is a small incision in the body, due to which the blood also flows less and recovery is also quick.
Recently, this technique was used at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital. A cancer patient was operated here, whose tumor was extracted through surgery. Interestingly, this surgery was done by the doctor sitting in Gurugram, while the patient was hospitalized. The surgery was successful and now the patient is fully recovering. Doctors say that the patient will soon be discharged from the hospital.
In tele-robotic surgery, the patient has remote control with a robot, camera and a sensor. Doctors give directions to these devices. Robot performs surgery on the doctor's commands. Doctors have 3D HD headset, so that they can see the patient's organs very clearly. This surgery takes 40-45 minutes, and after surgery the patient gets recovered quickly.
The most important thing in this surgery is 5G internet, which makes it high speed and smooth. Doctors can easily and fast patient surgery through 5G internet. Also, the doctor is monitored at every step, and the patient also has a local doctor, which helps in this process.
This technology has brought a big revolution in the healthcare sector. Now patients will not have to travel a long way for treatment. The patient sitting in any remote area can also take advantage of this technique for his treatment. This is proving to be an easy way not only for patients, but also for doctors.
Tele-robotic surgery is a new direction step, which can change the way of surgery and treatment in future. This technique will not only speed up the treatment process, but will open a new path for patients. Now, the doctors sitting far will also be able to do surgery, and they will not need to go anywhere for treatment.
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