In Vastu Shastra, eating is not something that is done just for filling up your stomach, but rather, is considered a deeply spiritual activity that has implications on your mind as well, along with your body.

What does Vastu Shastra say about eating healthy?

In Vastu Shastra, eating healthy is something that purifies your mind and soul. Not only this, the way one cooks the food also holds a deep significance in Vastu Shastra, as it is said that your mental state, mood and emotions deeply impact the way you cook your food. Let's take a look at how Vastu Shastra promotes healthy eating ...

Placement of the dining area

Ideally, one place the dining room in the west or northwest part of the home, and avoid the centre, which can disrupt energy flow.


While eating, one should face the east, or north area of the house for better digestion, peace of mind and tranquility.

Keep your dining area clean, and free from clutter. Do not crowd the space with too many utensils, and keep only what is necessary on the table. Make sure you wipe down your dining table before and after each meal.

While eating

When eating food, always face the east or north direction, as these directions are believed to enhance digestion, and promote positive energy. Avoid facing the south direction, as it is said to lead to conflicts or negative energy.

Placement of the kitchen

It is said that the kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house, as this direction is said to be associated with the fire element, which is essential for cooking. For the stove, one should keep it in the east direction, as it promotes better digestion.

Some general tips to follow after consuming food:

One must walk at least a 100 steps after eating food, that keeps the body healthy and disease free. Do not make it a brisk walk (reserve that for an empty stomach), rather walk slowly, so as to digest the food better.

Vastu says that one should not retire to their room immediately after eating, even if they don't plan to sleep straight away. If done, it is said, leads to Pitta dosha. Instead, one should spend some time in an open setting, like a balcony or terrace, and take some fresh air before finally retiring to bed.

According to Vastu, all family members should eat at least one meal a day together, away from gadgets and phones. This is said to boost positive energy in the house. If it is not possible to eat together, then it is fine, but one should strictly avoid technology.

If you are cooking the food yourself, make sure you are in a calm and relaxed state of mind, and not in a foul mood or hurry. Vastu says that the energy we give off reflects in our cooking, hence it is important to stay happy when making your meals.

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