In today's run -of -the -mill life, weight gain has become a common problem. Due to wrong eating, low physical activity and irregular routine, unnecessary fat accumulates on the body. But if you adopt some easy habits as soon as you wake up in the morning, then the weight can decrease rapidly.

Let's know 5 such effective work in the morning, which can help reduce your fat rapidly.

Start the day with lukewarm water

Drinking lukewarm water as soon as it wakes up boosts metabolism and helps in removing toxins stored in the body.

How to benefit?
Drink 1 glass of lukewarm water, if you want, you can add lemon and honey to it.
This will improve digestion and burn fat rapidly.

Perform light exercise or yoga on an empty stomach

By doing light exercise or yoga in the morning, blood circulation in the body increases, calories burn rapidly and energy remains throughout the day.

What to do?
Do 15-20 minutes morning walk or jogging.
Do Surya Namaskar, Kapalbhati and Bhastrika Pranayama – They are very effective in weight loss.
Fat burning also increases with high-entity workouts.

Must do healthy breakfast

Morning breakfast is the biggest source of all day energy. Skipping it can slow metabolism and increase weight.

What should we eat?
Take breakfast rich in protein – eggs, oatmeal, moong dal chila, yogurt, nuts.
Be sure to eat fruits rich in fiber and green vegetables.
Avoid eating more fried and sweet.

Stay hydrated – drink plenty of water

Lack of water in the body can slow down metabolism, which slows down fat burning. It is very important to drink good amount of water throughout the day after waking up in the morning.

How to benefit?
Drink 2-3 glasses of water in the morning.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day.
If you want, drink detox water (pouring cucumber, lemon, mint).

Stay away from mobile-screen, note to self

Scrolling the phone as soon as it wakes up in the morning can increase stress and laziness. It would be better to add morning time to refresh your body and mind.

What to do?
Meditate for a few minutes in the morning.
Sit in the sun and take fresh air – it will give vitamin D and the mood will be better.
Plan to stay active for a day.

If you want to lose weight, it is very important to improve your morning habits. Not only dieting or gym is enough, but a healthy morning routine is also necessary.

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