The most important part of the house can be the kitchen not only a place of food and drink, but also a base of many unseen dangers. The things we use everyday can sometimes harm our health. Especially if things like fridge, microwave, plastic utensils and gas cylinders are not used properly, serious health problems can cause problems.

Let's know how and how can they protect yourself about the 10 necessary but potentially dangerous things in the kitchen.

Fridge – Cold Poison?

Bacteria and fungus can flourish by eating incorrectly kept in the fridge.
Eating from poor temperature settings can be poisonous.
Prolonged food can cause food poisoning.

Keep the temperature of the fridge between 1-5 ° C.
Clean the fridge every week and take out the expiry food.
Store raw and cooked food separately.

Gas cylinder – a little carelessness and big accident!

क्या The risk of blast when gas is leaked.
✔ If not used correctly, carbon monoxide gas can be made, which is fatal.

Always use gas regulator and pipe with ISI mark.
If the gas leak is smelling, then immediately close the regulator and open the windows.
Avoid turning on lighter, mobile or switch.

Microwave – Threat of invisible radiation!

Toxic chemicals can be found in food by heating food in plastic containers.
Radiation emanating from the microwave can affect the skin and eyes.

Use only glass or ceramic utensils.
Always keep the microwave door properly closed.
Clean it thoroughly after use.

Plastic container – slow poison!

BPA and phthalates coming out of plastic utensils can cause hormonal imbalances.
Chemical releases are released when kept hot food, which can cause cancer and other diseases.

Use BPA-free plastic or steel, glass utensils.
Avoid placing plastic utensils in the sun.

Kitchen Sink – Bacteria's stronghold!

E. Koli, Salmonella and other bacteria may flourish in dirty sinks.
Frozen food particles can cause food poisoning.

Clean the sink with dishwash liquid and hot water every day.
Change the cutting board and sponge from time to time.

Sponge and cloth – the most dirty items!

Millions of bacteria flourish in the sponge after use.
Wet clothing may have fungus and smell.

Use a new sponge or scrubber every week.
Wash the sponge in hot water and dry it in the sun.

Expiry Food-Gently Poison!

Exoded food can cause food poisoning and stomach diseases.
Fungus can flourish in stale bread, milk, sauce and spices.

Check the kitchen stock every week and take out the expiry goods.
Store the food in the right temperature and packaging.

Aluminum Foyal – Slow Poison!

Aluminum food can cause brain and hormonal problems.
It can be more harmful when exposed to hot and citrus eating.

Use butter paper or steel box instead of aluminum foil.
Avoid wrapping very hot food in foil.

Raw chicken and egg – risk of food poisoning!

Raw chicken and eggs can contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause stomach diseases.
It can also infect other food by storing incorrectly.

Keep chicken and eggs at the bottom of the fridge.
After cutting, wash the knife and cutting boards thoroughly.

Teflon non-stick pan-hidden danger!

Teflon coating releases toxic gas when heated.
Teflon can be found in chemical food when scratched.

If the coating of the pan is coming out, change it immediately.
Use non-stick utensils on low heat.

Our kitchen is not just a place of cooking, but is directly responsible for our health. If you use these 10 dangerous things properly, you can protect your family from diseases and accidents.

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