Cabbage vegetable Is a popular and delicious Indian dish. You can make it at home in a simple way. Here Cabbage vegetable Method of preparation is being given.
Cabbage cut: First of all, cut the cabbage into small pieces and wash it thoroughly and drain water.
Heat: Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add cumin seeds and let it crackle.
Onion and tomato: Now add chopped green chillies, then add onion and fry lightly (if you are adding onion). After this, add tomatoes and mix well. Allow the tomatoes to cook until they become soft.
SprinkleNow add turmeric powder, chili powder, and coriander powder to it. Mix all these spices well and fry for some time.
Cabbage: Now add chopped cabbage and mix well. Then cover it and let it cook on medium flame for 10-15 minutes. Mix cabbage in between, so that it does not burn.
Garam masala: When the cabbage cooks well, add garam masala and salt and mix it well. Allow to cook for a while.
Decorate: Now, decorate with green coriander, serve hot cabbage vegetables.
You can serve cabbage vegetable with roti, paratha, or rice.
Just now your delicious cabbage vegetable is ready! Enjoy!
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