Most people like the taste of cuticle. There are many benefits of eating chali. But the fine silk-like fibers growing on the peel are often thrown away. Whereas these fibers are a storehouse of qualities. The fibers of the cob are known as corn silk. Next time when you are going to eat kale at home, instead of throwing it away, keep the kale fibers with you and know the benefits of eating it.
Benefits of eating corn silk
Eating the thin, fine, silk-like fibers on the skin has many health benefits. These fibers are called corn silk.
Corn silk protects from urinary infections
Drinking corn silk water keeps the urinary system healthy. Drinking corn silk extract increases the need to urinate, reducing the chance of bacterial growth and helping prevent urinary and bladder infections. According to Cleveland report, if someone has the problem of bladder infection then drinking corn silk water is beneficial.
Corn silk water strengthens the bladder
Drinking corn silk water strengthens the bladder. Drinking corn silk tea is beneficial in the problem of kidney stones.
Helps reduce blood pressure
The diuretic properties of corn silk help reduce blood pressure. However, people who take medications to lower blood pressure should not drink corn silk tea. Otherwise, blood pressure may drop too low as there is a risk of potassium deficiency by drinking this tea.
The golden color of corn contains antioxidants which help reduce inflammation Which helps in keeping inflammation in the body away. Which helps in keeping away diseases like diabetes and cancer.
Corn silk tea works for anti-aging
Corn silk is so rich in antioxidants that it acts as an anti-aging agent.
Prevents blood sugar from increasing.
Drinking corn silk extract slows down the absorption of starch in the body. Due to which the blood sugar level does not increase suddenly and the risk of increasing blood sugar level in diabetes is reduced.
Reduces bad cholesterol
Corn silk reduces triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins by increasing good cholesterol. This means that corn silk is helpful in reducing bad cholesterol. Which helps in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
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