New Delhi: Two people lost their lives after being struck by an out-of-control Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) bus in the Civil Lines area of the capital, Delhi Police said. According to them, the incident occurred near Monastery Market on Ring Road, where the bus hit a pedestrian and a police constable before ramming into the road divider.The deceased constable, identified as 27-year-old Victor from Nagaland, was on patrol duty aboard a PCR bike. Victor had been posted at the Civil Lines Police Station since June 2023. The other victim's identity has not yet been established. Unfortunately, both the victims have died. Both were declared brought dead.


Police received the information about the accident around 10:38 p.m on Sunday. An initial enquiry found that the uncontrolled bus ran onto the pavement, struck a billboard pole, and then hit the two victims. It continued across the road, hitting and mounting the divider. Authorities stated that the bus was not carrying passengers at the time, except for a duty officer from the DTC, as it was in a breakdown state.Vinod Kumar, the 57-year-old driver of the DTC bus and a resident of Ghazipur, has been taken into police custody. Delhi Police confirmed that legal proceedings are underway.Accident forensics uses scientific methods and principles to evaluate evidence and determine the cause of an accident, the speed of the vehicle, and the direction of impact.More details are awaited.In a separate incident on October 31, two passengers suffered burn injuries when crackers caught fire on a DTC bus. An enquiry revealed that the fire was caused by a passenger carrying a small quantity of fireworks, which ignited during the ride.(With ANI inputs)

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