A public interest litigation has been filed in the Madhya Pradesh High Court regarding the temples being built in police stations. While hearing the petition, the double bench of Chief Justice Suresh Kumar Kait and Justice Vivek Jain has banned the construction of temples being built in all the police stations of Madhya Pradesh. Additionally, the double bench has issued a notice to the concerned non-applicants and sought their response. The next hearing in the case will be on November 19.
According to the information, a PIL has been filed in the High Court on behalf of Advocate OP Yadav, resident of Jabalpur, challenging the construction of the temple being done in the police station premises of Madhya Pradesh. On which hearing was held on Monday. The double bench of High Court Chief Justice Suresh Kumar Kait and Justice Vivek Jain has banned the construction of temples in police stations.
The double bench issued notice to Chief Secretary Madhya Pradesh, Principal Secretary Home Department Madhya Pradesh, Urban Administration Madhya Pradesh, DGP Madhya Pradesh, Collector Jabalpur and Superintendent of Police Jabalpur and four police stations of the district including Civil Lines, Vijay Nagar, Madan Mahal and Lordganj. Answer has been sought. The next hearing of the case has been fixed for November 19.
What is the demand of the advocate?
The petition filed by Jabalpur resident Advocate OP Yadav has demanded a ban on the construction of religious places in public places. According to the petition, the Supreme Court had already ordered a ban on religious construction in public places, including police stations. Nevertheless, temples have been or are being constructed in many police stations of Madhya Pradesh, which is a blatant violation of the orders of the Supreme Court, which should be stopped immediately.
Also posted pictures of temples
In the PIL, photographs of the temples built in four police stations of Jabalpur district have been attached, including Civil Lines, Madan Mahal, Lordganj, Vijay Nagar and a demand has been made that all the temples should be immediately removed from the police station premises. Along with this, it has been told by the petitioner that temples are being constructed in all the new police stations being built in Madhya Pradesh. Apart from this, the petitioner has also demanded action against the concerned police station in-charge under civil service rules. After the preliminary hearing on the petition, the double bench has issued notice to the non-applicants and sought their response. Advocates Satish Verma, Amit Patel and Grishm Jain presented the case on behalf of the petitioner.
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