An incident of stone-pelting at a Hindu temple has been reported from Delhi's Jahangirpuri. A video of the incident has surfaced on social media. As per the viral video, the incident took place around 5:30 PM on Monday. The situation in the area remains tense after the incident.

According to reports, some miscreants threw stones from outside the temple. In retaliation, people present inside the temple also started throwing stones.

Delhi Police said that the incident took place around 5:30 PM on Monday evening. Police received information that a clash had occurred between two groups of the same community in Jahangirpuri. When the police arrived at the scene, it was found that the incident had happened due to a dispute between two groups of children. Both groups of children belonged to the same community and had a quarrel over some issues. Many of the children involved in the incident are minors.

Upon arriving at the scene, the police attempted to bring the situation under control. Two people were injured in the incident, as per reports.

The police have launched an investigation to determine the reason behind the violent clash. CCTV footage is being examined to identify the miscreants who first threw the stones.

The police have increased patrolling in the area affected by the incident. The local police station has been instructed to remain on alert. According to Delhi Police, the situation is under control.

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