Diet Diet: Nowadays high BP has become a problem for many people. Prolonged increase in BP also affects the heart. At the same time, if bad cholesterol starts increasing in the blood, it can also increase the risk of heart attack. In such a situation, it is very important to control both BP and cholesterol. If you have high blood pressure or bad cholesterol i.e. LDL is increasing, then you should take necessary precautions in your eating habits and should also consult a doctor. Often people ignore these two things in the beginning. But, in reality, it is very important to recognize its initial symptoms, get the right tests done and take the medicines prescribed by the doctor on time.

Apart from this, many home remedies can also help in controlling BP and cholesterol. Dates and garlic can also be beneficial if you eat them properly. Know the right way to eat it from an Ayurvedic doctor. Dr. Deeksha Bhavsar is giving this information. Dr. Deeksha is the founder of ayurvedic product brand The Kadamba Tree and BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine).

Garlic and dates can help control BP and cholesterol

  • Experts say that dates and garlic can help in controlling high BP and bad cholesterol.
  • Dates are low in sodium and high in potassium. BP can be controlled by including it in the diet.
  • Potassium helps control BP by removing excess sodium from the body. Due to low sodium content, it reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
  • It contains abundant amount of fiber. The fibers present in it bind cholesterol and prevent it from being absorbed into the blood. This reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • The anti-oxidants present in dates help in reducing triglycerides.
  • Garlic has BP reducing properties. It reduces the vata-kapha present in the body and clears the impurities accumulated in the nerves of the body.
  • It also reduces joint pain and improves digestion. It strengthens the immune system and helps control blood sugar levels.

How to consume garlic and dates?

  • Experts say that if you have high BP or high cholesterol then eat a clove of garlic inside a date.
  • You should take it in the morning on an empty stomach or half an hour before meals.
  • Along with this, take medicines on time and make healthy lifestyle changes.

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