PTC News Desk: The recent exchange between Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and an American citizen, who asserted that "Hinduism is a wicked, pagan religion," shows different responses to religious intolerance across cultures, particularly in India.

While Ramaswamy's measured response to the provocative remark showed Hinduism's inherent tolerance and resilience, the incident raises key questions about how such comments would have played out if directed against other religions, especially in this context.

In the United States, there has long been a trend within some evangelical circles to dismiss non-Abrahamic faiths, particularly Hinduism, as "pagan" or unsuitable for American values. However, Hinduism, both in India and abroad, has rarely responded with the same level of offence as Christianity or Islam, which have been targeted in a similar manner.

This situation shows the great tolerance that is inherent to Hindu philosophy. Rather than escalate the debate or seek legal redress, Ramaswamy calmly defended his faith, viewing the situation as a "teaching moment."

Critics argue that if such a public insult had been directed against Christianity in India, the reaction would have been even more intense. The narrative may have evolved into allegations that "Hindutva" is fuelling religious intolerance, prompting significant condemnation not only from Indian media but also from overseas outlets anxious to portray India as increasingly intolerant. Legal measures, such as PILs for hate speech, may be initiated, indicating how rapidly Christian groups could have rallied to counter the offense.

This instance shows a huge gap in how religious tolerance is viewed and applied across societies. Hinduism, with its pluralistic ethos and deep trust in "Sarva Dharma Sambhava," can withstand criticism and accept a wide range of spiritual beliefs. This stands in stark contrast to how, especially in the West, criticism or mockery of Christianity often results in defensive acts or public outrage.

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