Former Indian pacer Praveen Kumar delighted fans on Wednesday, September 18, by sharing a photo with India’s current Test and ODI captain, Rohit Sharma, on Instagram. The two cricketing icons recently met ahead of India’s first Test against Bangladesh, set to take place on Thursday, September 19, in Chennai. Rohit is poised to lead the team in this two-match series.

Praveen Kumar, who debuted for India in 2007, was an integral part of the national team before his last appearance in 2012. The right-arm pacer played in six Test matches, taking 27 wickets, and also featured in 68 ODIs, where he bagged 77 wickets. Additionally, Kumar represented India in 10 T20 Internationals, claiming eight wickets.

“Nostalgic Reunion” – Praveen Kumar Shares Picture with Rohit Sharma

Kumar and Rohit shared a strong bond during their time in the Indian squad, contributing to memorable victories, including the 2008 Commonwealth Bank Series and the 2010 Asia Cup. The 37-year-old pacer took to Instagram to express his joy at meeting Rohit, posting a photo with the caption, “Purani yaadein taza ho gai,” meaning “Old memories have been rekindled.”

Kumar, who retired from all forms of cricket in 2018, enjoyed a successful career both in international cricket and the IPL, where he took 90 wickets in 119 matches. He also had an impressive domestic career, with 267 wickets in 66 first-class matches.

As Rohit gears up for another significant Test series, the meeting with his former teammate was a heartwarming reminder of their shared history and the special moments they created together on the field.

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