Stree 3: Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s film Stree 2 was released on Independence Day 2024 and had a massive impact at the box office. They received a lot of praise from the audience and the makers have now announced that they have already started working on the third version. But the opportunity to act in Stree 3 was recently declined by Patralekhaa, claiming it was because she enjoyed his on-screen chemistry with Shraddha. When it was asked if she does not mind to do Stree 3, opposite to her husband, Patralekhaa answered, “No, Shraddha hai,” in the most recent interview conducted with Filmygyan. Jodi bahut mast hai unki. Abhishek, Apar, Pankaj, and Shraddha amaze; the big picture is up. Their jodi is quite commendable. That primary world is uplinked—present (Abhishek, Aparshakti and Pankaj).

Stree 3
Stree 3

The wait is over, and the second part of the much-awaited series has finally been released, which revolves around the same scary events that took place in the town of Chanderi. In the movie, popular characters played by Rajkummar Rao Shraddha Kapoor Abhishek Banerjee Aparshakti Khurana Pankaj Tripathi returns. The film is headed by Amar Kaushik and has been produced by Dinesh Vijan and Jyoti Deshpande. It is produced by Jio Studios and Dinesh Vijan.

Patralekhaa took to social media and appreciated her husband’s skills in the tidbits of Rajkummar’s 40th birthday celebrations. “Raj, happy birthday. What have you done? What an extraordinary year.Srikanth first, then the Mahi, and now Stree. There are questions that oddly come to me often. Is it necessary to be a good person in order to grow as a great actor? Yes, and I can say that confidently because the leap was with You. To many more personalities, blockbusters, individualised, burning passion for the work, and all that integrity—kudos to you all. I love you.

Patralekhaa, in the meantime, earned rave reviews for her role of an aircraft attendant Indrani in the Netflix web series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. The series, which directed Anubhav Sinha and was released on 29th August, has the cast of Naseeruddin Shah, Kumud Mishra, Pankaj Kapur, Pooja Gor, Amrita Puri, and Vijay Varma.”

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