Monsoon may be on its way out of Uttar Pradesh, but it is wreaking havoc as it leaves. Due to 11 hours of continuous rain on Wednesday, not only did the rivers and streams get flooded, but the roads of many cities are filled with water, sometimes knee-deep and sometimes to the point of drowning. In such a situation, boats have to be used in many cities including Agra. According to the report released by the Uttar Pradesh government, life has been badly affected in more than 60 districts of the state.
Such a situation has arisen in many districts including Prayagraj, where people have left the ground floor and taken shelter on the first floor. According to the report released by the Revenue Department in Uttar Pradesh, about 23.4 mm of rain has fallen in the last 12 hours. This average rainfall in more than 60 districts of the state is more than 482 percent. According to the Revenue Department report, the highest rainfall in the state has been recorded in Hamirpur district. Here the average rainfall in the month of September is recorded at just 4.7 mm, but this time breaking all records, 3240 percent more i.e. 137 mm of rain fell.
10 thousand houses submerged in Prayagraj
Similar conditions prevailed in Agra. Due to 11 hours of continuous rain, almost all the roads of the city were flooded. In the lower areas, water filled up to knee level and waist level. On the other hand, in Prayagraj, due to this rain, both the rivers Ganga and Yamuna are ready to wreak havoc. So far, about 10 thousand houses have been affected by the flood. People in these houses have either migrated or have taken shelter on the first floor. Whereas, there seems to be no relief in Lord Krishna’s city Mathura.
Rivers are flowing above the danger mark
Due to continuous rain, a kutcha house collapsed here. A woman died due to this. The situation is also very bad in Unnao, Kanpur, Ballia, Gorakhpur and Deoria. In Chitrakoot, the Mandakini river has submerged Ram Ghat. The situation has reached such a point that people are doing puja on the road away from Ram Ghat. According to the report of the Revenue Department, all the rivers including Yamuna, Ganga, Ghaghra, Sharda are not only flowing above the danger mark, but in many places these rivers have also started wreaking havoc in the populated areas.