After going live on Facebook on Tuesday, a 33-year-old chartered accountant from Jharkhand is said to have hanged himself at his Govandi rental house. He said that after stealing Rs 12.5 lakh from him, his fiancée and her family had physically attacked him and were fabricating a stalker case against him.
The individual further said that he was forced to take legal action in the courts since the police had declined to become involved in the money issue, despite his best attempts.
Sandeep Paswan had shown signs of suicide during the previous year, the police said. His disturbing live conversations alarmed friends and spectators, but officials couldn’t find him until after his death. After seeing the Facebook Live video, the Deonar police opened an accidental death investigation and are now accusing his fiancée and her family of aiding and abetting suicide.
According to a TOI article, Sandeep went live on Facebook at his apartment at about seven in the morning on Tuesday, revealing injuries on his body and a ripped T-shirt. He accused his distant cousin and fiancée, Sapna Paswan, and her family of abusing him and pressuring him to commit suicide. “They asked me, ‘What keeps you alive?'” Simply pass away, or we’ll murder you. “They have destroyed my life and humiliated me,” he screamed.
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