After being stranded for eighteen hours, a two-year-old child was safely rescued on Thursday from a 35-foot open borewell in Dausa, Rajasthan. She was able to recover safely on Thursday thanks to the combined efforts of the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
The event happened in the Bandikui region on Wednesday, and local officials responded right away. Superintendent of Police Ranjita Sharma said, “We are very happy that we were able to rescue the girl from the borewell after such a challenging 18-hour ordeal,” while expressing thanks for the successful operation. This result was largely due to the NDRF and SDRF teams’ diligent effort. The child has been admitted for treatment to the closest hospital.”
The NDRF’s Yogesh Kumar described the intricate details of the rescue. In order to get to the female, who was stranded 28 feet below the surface, we started a parallel digging strategy. We had trouble getting her securely into the borewell, but on our first try, we were able to find her sandal at a depth of 21 feet. Our first goal was safety,” Kumar said. He pointed out that unfavorable weather, such as rain, prolonged the operation’s length.
Devendra Kumar, the district collector, said that the weather presented serious challenges for the rescue workers. “We’ve been making every effort to get the girl out of the borewell. We used both parallel and horizontal digging techniques, but the persistent rain made things difficult for us,” he said.
Thirty NDRF troops and ten SDRF members participated in the operation, and they all worked hard to make sure the child recovered safely.
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