Symptoms Of Dengue In Newborns : Sickness of newborns or small children becomes the biggest problem for new parents. Because they are not able to tell anyone about their problem.
Cannot tell. And in such a situation, many times parents make the mistake of considering a dangerous disease like dengue in newborns as a simple flu. Therefore, today we have brought the symptoms of dengue in newborns and important measures to prevent it. Dengue is a viral infection that spreads due to the bite of Aedes mosquito. Which can affect a person of all ages. But identifying dengue in small children is a bit challenging. The symptoms of this viral infection in newborns are understood only after some time. For which it is important to identify the early symptoms of dengue and take precautions. Let us know the symptoms of dengue in newborns and preventive measures.

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How to identify the early symptoms of dengue in newborns: Symptoms Of Dengue In Newborns

Symptoms of Dengue In Newborns
identify the initial symptoms of dengue in newborn babies

Having a high fever

One of the most common symptoms of dengue is a child suddenly getting high fever during changing weather and continuous fever for two to eight days. In such a situation, the fever can be less or more at times, but if high fever is occurring at short intervals, then one should not make the mistake of taking it lightly or considering it a normal fever.

being irritable or crying

If the child is crying a lot for a long time, is feeling irritable or is feeling restless, then these can be symptoms of dengue, because newborn babies suffering from dengue feel unable to drink milk, sleep peacefully and remain crying or upset throughout the day.

Spots appear on the body

Newborns suffering from dengue often develop small rashes or spots on their bodies. In such a case, if the child is running a high fever, keep a close watch on his body. And if any spots appear on the body, consult a doctor immediately.

Vomiting and diarrhea problem

According to health experts, vomiting and diarrhea are common in newborns suffering from dengue. In such a situation, if the child is having digestive problems for some time, then you should pay attention to it and consult the right doctor.

Swelling on the face and around the eyes

The common symptoms of dengue in newborns can be vomiting, diarrhea, high fever and spots on the body. But, in many serious conditions, swelling can also be felt near the face and eyes of children. In such a situation, keep in mind that swelling on the face along with fever is one of the dangerous symptoms of dengue.

Parents should take these precautions to protect their newborn babies from dengue

precautions to protect newbornprecautions to protect newborn
Parents should take these precautions to protect newborn babies from dengue

  1. Protect children from mosquitoes during the changing weather. For this, keep the windows and doors around newborn babies closed. And avoid taking the child out of the house in the evening.

  2. Mosquito patches and lotions are easily available in the market these days to protect children from mosquitoes. You can also use them to protect your child from mosquitoes.

  3. To protect your child from dengue in the changing weather, wear only light coloured and full body covering clothes. Keep in mind that do not let the child's body get hot in this weather and make them wear only light airy clothes.

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