On Saturday, a pickup truck lost control and collided with a parked truck near Maldepur in Ballia. 16 children travelling in it were injured. Due to the severe collision, the driver got stuck in the seat. Hearing the screams, the people nearby rushed the children to the district hospital and pulled out the driver with great difficulty.

One student died during treatment while the condition of three is said to be critical. Other injured are being treated at the district hospital's trauma centre and other hospitals. Meanwhile, chaos prevailed in the hospital. Family members also reached there as soon as they got the information. Every family was worried about finding their child.

A large number of children from the Phephana area come to Naga Ji Public School, Maldepur for studies. These children go to school every day by private vehicle. Like every day, on Saturday also everyone gathered at the Phephana intersection and waited for the vehicle.

Meanwhile, an empty pickup reached the intersection. 16 children waiting for the vehicle boarded it. The pickup had moved a little further towards Ballia when it collided with a parked truck. All the 16 children and the driver were injured. The injured are undergoing treatment.

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