Benefits of Shavasana: How the day starts depends on the whole day as well as health. If you want to start the day in a great way, then it would be best to do Shavasana in the morning. Practicing Shavasana keeps the mind calm and gives a stress-free experience. Doing Shavasana every morning has many benefits for the body and mind. Let us tell you about 10 amazing benefits out of the many benefits of Shavasana today. After knowing about these 10 benefits, you will also definitely start doing Shavasana in the morning.

1. Doing Shavasana in the morning reduces the level of stress hormone cortisol in the body and increases the level of melatonin hormone, which keeps you stress-free and calm throughout the day.

2. Practicing Shavasana improves the quality of sleep. Doing it regularly cures insomnia and sleeplessness.

3. Shavasana lowers blood pressure and normalizes heart rate, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

4. Shavasana also relaxes the digestive system, thereby providing relief from constipation, acidity and other digestive problems.

5. Regular practice of Shavasana relaxes the muscles of the body, thus reducing body pain.

6. Regularly doing Shavasana in the morning increases the body’s immunity and gives the body strength to fight diseases.

7. Shavasana calms the mind and increases concentration. By studying, children can perform well in studies.

8. Doing Shavasana daily relaxes the brain, which increases creativity. As a result, new ideas come quickly.

9. Practicing Shavasana increases self-confidence and a person starts believing in his abilities.

10. The biggest benefit of doing Shavasana is that it transmits positive energy in the body and the whole day passes with enthusiasm.

Lie straight on the mat in a quiet place at home. Then close your eyes and relax your body. Keep your hands straight on the ground and keep your feet in a comfortable position. Focus on breathing in this position. Do not let any thoughts come to your mind. Stay in this position regularly for 15 minutes.

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