New Delhi: World Head and Neck Cancer Day is observed on July 27 every year. This day aims at spreading awareness about head and neck cancers, their symptoms and importance of timely treatment.
According to doctors, there are 30 parts of the head and neck where a tumour can form, from the mouth to the lips and throat and voice box. The symptoms of this disease are rather subtle which is why it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. However, the sooner it is detected, the better are chances of survival for patients. However, Oracle Head & Neck Cancer UK (OHNCUK) recently shared a simple test to assess the risk at home. The OHNCUK test can help one check the same at home. Experts say that it is about familiarising oneself with the changes in the body. These changes include:
  1. Sores
  2. Sore throat
  3. Lumps
  4. Difficulty in swallowing
These can help detect head and neck cancer in the early stages of the disease and early detection can be key to a longer life and also low damage in a long run. How to check for head and neck cancer risk at home? Follow these steps to detect head and neck cancer at home:
  1. Stand close to a mirror and make sure that there is good lighting in the room
  2. Early signs of the disease can be felt around the jaw, throat and neck
  3. Check the insides of the gums and lips for lumps or bumps or white, red patches
  4. Stick out your tongue and move it along sides, also look at the back of the mouth
  5. Check underneath the tongue and around the jaw
If you are noticing lumps or any new symptoms that last for over three weeks, check with a doctor. What are the symptoms of head and neck cancer? The symptoms of head and neck cancer are:
  1. Persistent cough
  2. Persistent sore throat
  3. Mouth ulcers or patches on the lips or in the mouth
  4. Difficulty in swallowing food
  5. Painful swallowing
  6. Hoarse voice
  7. Ear pain
  8. Lump or swelling in the neck or jaw or nose or throat
The good news about head and neck cancers is that it is usually diagnosed in the early stages itself. However, the diagnosis rate is still as low as 13%. How to reduce head and neck cancer risk? To reduce the risk of head and neck cancers, the following lifestyle changes are advised:
  1. Limit alcohol intake
  2. Get the HPV vaccine
  3. Monitor oral health
  4. Quit tobacco use

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