About 30% of all cancer cases in India are head and neck cancers, making them a serious health concern. The high frequency of over 200,000 new cases identified each year is attributed to a number of common risk factors.

We are guided through the following by Dr. Vineet Kaul, Consultant, Head and Neck, Surgical Oncology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, and Dr. Ankur Bahl, Senior Director, Medical Oncology & Haematology, Fortis Hospital, Gurugram:

Head and Neck Cancer Symptoms

Dr. Bahl emphasizes that typical symptoms consist of:

Chronic, painful throat

recurring headaches

Changes in voice or hoarseness

discomfort during swallowing or eating

discomfort in the upper teeth

Pain or numbness in the face

ache in the neck

difficulty speaking or breathing

lumps in the mouth, neck, or throat

Chronic infections or earaches


bloody phlegm or saliva

Non-healing sores

recurring sinus infections

Spots of red or white in the mouth

swelling of the cheeks or jaw

Dr. Kaul continues, stating that more symptoms may appear as:


An ulcer that does not go away after fifteen days

difficulties putting on dentures

smaller mouth opening

swelling inside the nasal cavity

swelling in the cheek area

enlarging the eyes

chin or under-the-ear swelling

enlargement of the scalp or head

One-sided ear discomfort or loss of hearing

Risk Factors for Cancer of the Head and Neck

Tobacco usage is the main risk factor mentioned by Dr. Bahl among other risk factors. The incidence of these malignancies is dramatically increased in India due to the high prevalence of tobacco usage. Excessive alcohol intake and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection are two other significant risk factors. HPV infection is increasingly associated with oropharyngeal malignancies in younger persons.

Other risk factors that Dr. Bahl has identified are:

weakened immunity as a result of major operations or HIV

exposure to dangerous materials such as insecticides or asbestos

radiation therapy for further cancers

High intake of foods preserved with salt, raising the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer

Genetic variables, such Fanconi anemia, particularly in conjunction with tobacco usage

Bad dental hygiene may cause oral cancer and periodontal disease.

Dr. Kaul highlights the risk factors associated with the workplace, such as formaldehyde, nickel, asbestos, and wood dust exposure. He also states:

Eating smoked seafood

recurring salivary gland infections

UV radiation exposure or prolonged sun exposure

Use of Aspartame

A few hereditary conditions, such as Fanconi anemia

Prior head and neck cancer in the family

Preventive and Prompt Identification

The significance of early identification for successful therapy is emphasized by both specialists. Among the options are targeted treatment, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. Early diagnosis and awareness of symptoms may help prevent the condition from progressing. To greatly lower the chance of developing head and neck cancer, preventative strategies include being vaccinated against HPV, decreasing alcohol and tobacco use, and practicing excellent dental hygiene.

For prompt diagnosis and treatment, it is essential to comprehend the signs and risk factors of head and neck cancer. People may better defend themselves against this serious illness by leading healthier lives and paying close attention to any changes in their health.

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