It had been only 13 days since the marriage. After having dinner, the groom went to the bedroom to sleep. He was waiting for his wife there. When the wife did not come to the bedroom for a long time, the groom started looking for her. But she was nowhere to be found. It was 11 o'clock at night. When he asked the rest of the family members, they also did not know where the bride was. Everyone started looking for the new bride. They also called her mobile several times. But there was no response.

The groom and his family found out that all the bride's jewellery and the cash in the house was missing. When they got suspicious, they called her parents. But the bride was not there either. Then they found out from somewhere that the bride had run away with her lover. The groom immediately reached the nearest police station. A case was registered against the bride and her lover. The police immediately started looking for the bride. The groom told that the bride's lover was from his village.

Even the bride's family was not aware

The police immediately reached the bride's parents' house. Here the family said that they themselves have no information about where their daughter is. Then the police raided her lover's house too. The lover was also not found there. This means that it is somewhat clear that the bride has run away with her lover. Both their mobiles are switched off. In such a situation, the location of both cannot be ascertained as to where they are at present. The police is busy searching for them.

The marriage took place in a mass wedding

The case is from Tiloi village in Shivratganj, Amethi. The victim husband said- I was married to a girl from a neighboring village in a mass marriage program in February 2024. Later, both the families got us married again in the temple on July 11. At the time of the engagement, the bride did not tell me anything that she also had a boyfriend. Otherwise, I would not have done this marriage myself. On July 11, I brought her to her in-laws' house. Everything was going well. But on July 24, the bride suddenly disappeared from the house. We came to know that she had a boyfriend. She has run away with him. She has also taken cash and jewelry from the house.

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