The daughter of Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has been defamed on social media, and the Maharashtra Cyber Police have opened a case and sent summons to seven or eight people for the offense. On social media, there were accusations that Om Birla’s daughter did not pass the UPSC test fairly. Notices have been sent to all parties concerned, and a lawsuit has been filed in this respect. The Maharashtra Cyber Police are the ones that took this action. Dhruv Rathee, a parody ‘X’ account, was the source of the slander. The person in charge of the parody account, however, apologized after the notification was sent, according to Special Inspector General of Cyber Police Yashasvi Yadav.

On July 5, complainant Naman Vari claimed that the X account Dhruv Rathee (parody) @dhruvrahtee disseminated fraudulent tweets about Anjali Birla between June 28 and July 5, harming Anjali’s name and goodwill while purposefully sowing doubt and uncertainty regarding the UPSC test. In response to this complaint, the Nodal Cyber Police Station filed a case against unidentified individuals in accordance with Sections 78, 79, 318 (2), 352, 356 (2), 353 (2), and 3 (5) of the Indian Penal Code as well as Section 66(C) of the Information Technology Act.

Additional details supplied by Yashasvi Yadav, the Special Inspector General of Cyber Division, indicate that Vari, the cousin of Anjali Birla, filed a complaint against Dhruv Rathee (parody) and X handle holders. Anjali Birla is employed by the Ministry of Railways in Delhi as an IRPS officer. Anjali Birla completed the appropriate procedures to pass the UPSC Civil Services test in 2019 after submitting an application.

The complainant notified her that defamatory information regarding Anjali Birla had been uploaded on the Dhruv Rathee (parody) @dhruvrahtee account. Anjali noticed the postings as well. Starting on June 28, 2024, these postings ought to be accessible on the Dhruv Rathee (parody) X account @dhruvrahtee. Several derogatory messages regarding Anjali Birla were also being made on the site by other bearers of X handles.

The postings included inaccurate and disparaging remarks in addition to sharing her images without her consent. She was described in the postings as a “professional model” who became an IAS officer “in one attempt.” In the police report, the complainant claimed Anjali had never modelled.

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