July 27, 2024, brings us a Saturday we may not be used to. Astrologically, we’ve got ourselves a Moon square Pluto transit. This means that we can expect major change, all of it positive. We created this scenario for ourselves, and now, the universe is showing us just how powerful we really are.

Four zodiac signs are entering a more fortunate era at this time. As we slowly but surely close down the month of July, we can know in our hearts that whatever we’re now facing will bring us great fortune. We have stirred up the universal energy, and now we are being rewarded for our efforts.

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These four zodiac signs will get to experience exactly what this means on July 27, 2024.

1. Gemini

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Because of something that happened to you recently, you may have felt disappointed. You expected something different to take place, and it seems it went the opposite way. The interesting thing is that it started you thinking. Because you didn’t get to see the outcome you expected, you were forced to accept and see things as they were.

This works out for you now, as July 27 opens the doors to a much more fortunate state of mind. Because you accepted the disappointment, you could immediately put it in the past. So much of that is due to the presence of the Moon square Pluto in the night sky.

Here’s a day that has you formulating a new plan, one that you believe can and will work. As a Gemini, you’re good with new ideas and restructuring. Finally, it seems as though you’ve hit pay dirt. It’s time to enter a fortunate era for yourself where all things finally do work out.

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2. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Square Pluto On July 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Moon square Pluto is the kind of transit that brings up the idea of change and what you need to get rid of in order to make that change take place. The ‘squared’ aspect of this transit helps you out, and you’ll come to recognize this as ‘nerve.’

If you can get up the nerve to do something brave and bold, then you can change everything in your life and end up much happier for the efforts you put in. You can take this squared transit and turn it all around for yourself so that good fortune becomes your destiny. You can create the path that leads to your era of good fortune.

All it takes is to recognize what must be done and to do it. So, it’s about effort and initiative. Who better than you can take on such a challenge, Leo? This is your time, and Moon Square Pluto leads the way. Change is here for you to embrace. Go boldly into that bright day!

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3. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Square Pluto On July 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Things have been looking good for you for a while now, Virgo. You’re finally starting to feel confident enough with the flow of it all to know that if you keep doing whatever you’ve been doing, you’ll see it all the way through to a very fortunate outcome. One door opens the next, and before you know it, you’re in a perfect place in life.

During the Moon’s square to Pluto on July 27, you’ll see that transforming yourself is necessary to keep the good fortune going, and this seems more than tempting to you. It feels like the key to becoming a happier, healthier person, which interests you.

You will also get the chance to look back on your past behavior through a study: what did you do wrong, and how can you avoid doing the same thing again in the future? You may feel methodical, but your method will lead you to profit and success. This is definitely the beginning of a fortunate era for you, Virgo.

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4. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Square Pluto On July 27, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You are about to change something in your life that sticks, Sagittarius, which means you’re not just trying something out for kicks. This is the real deal, and you’re about to do something that once you’re in, there’s no backing out. This helps your adventurous spirit.

It definitely appears that you’re about to walk into a very fortunate time in your life, where not only are you able to make important financial decisions. You’ll be smart when it comes to love and romance, as well. July 27 allows you to accept the changes that need to be made. Because you’ve got Moon Square Pluto on your side, you’ll easily accept the challenge.

What happens today is just the beginning, and you have been ready for this for quite a while now. Life is just starting to get super interesting over there in Sagittarius World. If it opens up onto fortunate territory, then you are all in. This is your lucky day … enjoy it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

Contact to : xlf550402@gmail.com

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