Crime entered the country's politics from Uttar Pradesh. In Uttar Pradesh too, the land of Purvanchal became the main laboratory for this. A novel can be written on how strongmen were created from Gorakhpur to Allahabad and then how the entire politics was taken over by criminal elements. You can read it briefly here.

Bahubali Udaybhan Karvariya, along with Harishankar Tiwari and Amarmani Tripathi- Image Tv9

Amarmani Tripathi, the strongman of Gorakhpur who was sentenced to life imprisonment earlier, and now Udaybhan Karvariya have been released prematurely. These criminals, who had earned notoriety across the country due to their crimes, have been pardoned. The government's argument behind this is that their conduct in jail has been good. In such a situation, questions will surely arise and are being raised. Madhumita's mother had approached the Supreme Court in Amarmani's case and now in the Udaybhan Karvariya case, SP MLA from Jhunsi and Jawahar Pandit's wife Vijima Yadav is preparing to go to the Supreme Court.

Along with all these questions, it is also natural to ask when and from where did these strongmen come to the land of Purvanchal. In this news, we will try to find answers to such questions. Let us start from the beginning. It was the decade of 1960. At that time, huge profits were being made in illegal sand mining, coal and railway contracts in Uttar Pradesh. Till that time, neither politics was criminalized nor crime was politicized. In those days, Harishankar Tiwari had just entered politics in Gorakhpur.

Shriprakash became a special officer of Amarmani

He was the one who first used crime in politics by taking Shriprakash Shukla along. Later, Amarmani Tripathi, who was very close to Harishankar Tiwari, also took this experiment forward. Former IPS Rajesh Pandey writes in his much talked about book 'Varchasva' that Amarmani Tripathi used crime the most in politics. After separating from Harishankar Tiwari, Shriprakash Shukla became a special officer of Amarmani Tripathi. In those days, a mafia named Jagat Narayan Karvariya was also trying to emerge in Allahabad.

Jagat Narayan Karvariya lost to Hemvati Nandan

His main business was sand mining, illegal liquor and government contracts. However, he was not getting much success in this. The main reason behind this was not political backup. To get political backup, he contested the election from Sirathu assembly seat in 1967 against former CM Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna, but lost. Meanwhile, the 70-80 decade came. In those days, the politics of the country was taking a turn. Loknayak Jaiprakash was fighting the second freedom struggle. Due to this, the blood of the youth was boiling against the government.

Bhukkal and Maula created terror in Allahabad

While Harishankar Tiwari and Amarmani took advantage of this in Gorakhpur, in Allahabad Jagat Narayan Karvariya took advantage of this by putting forward his two sons Vashisht Narayan Karvariya alias Bhukkal Maharaj and Shyam Narayan Karvariya alias Maula Maharaj. Former DGP of Uttar Pradesh Sulkhan Singh says that the jugalbandi of these two brothers was such that they started getting all kinds of contracts from Allahabad to Kaushambi and from Banaras-Mirzapur to Sonbhadra. Similarly, their names started appearing in all kinds of crimes happening here.

The SSP stood up from his chair after hearing Bhukkal's name

At that time, Bhukkal and Maula Maharaj had become big names in the crime of Purvanchal. However, both of them never came forward. Due to this, the police also did not have any photograph till the time of their death. The fear of Bhukkal Maharaj can be gauged from an incident that happened in the year 1981. At that time, Bhukkal Maharaj had reached the office of Allahabad SSP along with the then Home Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Chaudhary Naunihal Singh. The SSP talked to the minister for a while and during this time asked who the gentleman who came with you is. When Naunihal Singh introduced Bhukkal Maharaj, the SSP stood up from his chair. He expressed his gratitude towards the minister and said that because of him he was able to see such a big criminal.

Karvariya's crime pattern was different from that of Harishankar Tiwari

However, on getting information about this incident, the then CM BP Singh took away Naunihal Singh's ministry and suspended the SSP. This is a different story. According to police officials, Bhukkal Maharaj's crime pattern was a little different. Harishankar Tiwari and Amarmani used to commit crimes while being in politics, while Bhukkal and Maula Maharaj were away from politics and used to commit crimes with their associates. After this, when Udaybhan Karvariya rose in the next generation, he tried to correct this mistake of his father and uncle.

Udaybhan started his crime career from politics

Instead of starting with crime, he first entered politics and after getting a foothold in politics, he expanded his ancestral business. To maintain his fear, he publicly murdered SP MLA Jawahar Pandit at Civil Lines crossing and sent a message to Atiq Ahmed. To save his ancestral business, he not only got his two brothers elected as MPs and members of Legislative Council, but also got his wife elected as MLA and got her a place in the Assembly.

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