Worship of Laddu Gopal has special importance in Hinduism. People install his idol in their homes and worship him regularly. It is believed that prosperity always prevails in the house where he is worshipped. From serving Laddu Gopal to installing him, some special rules have been made which are considered necessary to follow. According to Vastu Shastra, he is installed in a certain direction in the temple of the house, not only this, keeping Laddu Gopal made of some special metals in the house is very auspicious for you.

Although the idol of Laddu Gopal comes in various metals, but the silver idol is said to have special importance. A question arises in our mind that can the silver Laddu Gopal be kept in the home temple? Today we will tell you about this in detail.
Importance of installing Laddu Gopal idol at home
Lord Krishna, revered as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, holds a special place in Hindu mythology and spirituality. Laddu Gopal is worshipped as the child form of Lord Krishna, who is considered a symbol of innocence, happiness and divine love. It is believed that worshipping Laddu Gopal blesses devotees with happiness, prosperity and spiritual satisfaction. This always keeps positive energy in the house. Whenever you install Laddu Gopal in the house, it is important to follow his rules.

Why should silver Laddu Gopal be kept in the house?

Silver is a metal that has been valued for centuries for its purity, durability and association with divine energies. In Hindu tradition, silver is considered auspicious for Mahesh and is used for everything from idols of Gods to other worship materials. Not only this, the puja thali is also made of this metal and the offerings placed in it are acceptable to God.

Silver is the metal of the moon, so this metal is used in worship and is considered auspicious for making idols. If we keep a silver idol of Laddu Gopal in the house, then the effect of this metal attracts positive energy and becomes a factor of prosperity. This purifies the atmosphere of the house and improves the spiritual environment of the house.

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