Burfi Recipe : After eating, the taste of food is different. If you also like sweets and want to try something new, then you can try bread barfi. If you make bread barfi at home like this, it will be absolutely perfect. Everyone in the house will like its taste. Let’s know about the very easy recipe to make bread barfi at home…


  • Bread – 5 pcs

  • Ghee – 1 tablespoon

  • Milk – 2 cups

  • Coconut Powder – 2 tbsp

  • Cardamom powder – 2 to 3 pinches

  • Sugar – as per taste

  • Cashews – 10 to 20 (finely chopped)

  • Pistachios – 10 (finely chopped)


  • To make bread barfi, first of all place a pan on the gas. – Add milk in it and heat it. Heat the milk till it thickens.

  • – Put the bread in the mixer and make powder. – When the milk thickens, add bread powder to it and stir both well.

  • – Add cardamom powder to it. Mix it well. Let it boil for some time.

  • – Now add sugar, coconut powder and ghee to it.

  • – Now keep it on low gas flame for 6 to 7 minutes.

  • – Now apply ghee on a plate. Take out the mixture on a plate and spread it.

  • Put cashews, pistachios and almonds on it. Leave it for some time.

  • After half an hour, cut it into barfi shapes. So, bread barfi is ready.

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