Benefits of milk with banana: There are 4 big benefits of eating milk and banana at night, consume it like this The combination of milk and banana is the best to stay healthy. Both of them are rich in nutrients. Eating milk and banana at night can give you many benefits. This will give you energy and your digestion will also improve. But eating banana with milk late at night should be avoided. Come, dietician Dr. Arogya Diet and Nutrition Clinic. Know from Sugita Mutreja what happens by eating milk and banana at night? Or what happens by eating milk and banana together? What are the benefits of milk and banana?

How to eat milk and banana to gain weight? For this, take a glass of milk. Add banana, honey and almonds in it. Now drink this milk. Due to which your weight will start increasing gradually.

Benefits of eating banana with milk at night
1). Beneficial in gaining weight
If you are thin and weak then you can eat milk and banana together at night. This can help you gain weight. The mixture of milk and banana can help in gaining weight.

2). Improves digestion
Both milk and banana are considered good for digestion. If you consume milk and banana together every night, it will help improve your digestion. It can give you relief from gas, constipation and acidity. But people who already have digestive problems should avoid consuming banana and milk at night.

3). Get energy
To get energy at night, you can consume milk and banana together. Those who are married can eat milk and banana at night. This will give you enough energy, vitality and strength.

4). Beneficial for people who work out
If you go to the gym or workout at night, then consuming banana and milk can prove to be beneficial. You can eat milk and banana before working out at night. This will improve digestion and will also maintain energy during the workout.

Disadvantages of eating milk and banana at night
Actually, it is advised not to eat banana at night. But this does not apply to all people. People who have good digestion can consume milk and banana at night also. But it should not be consumed late at night.

Eating banana and milk at night can cause digestive problems
Consuming banana and milk at night can cause problems like cough or cold. Eating banana and milk can increase your weight. Therefore, people who are overweight should avoid eating milk and banana at night.

How to eat milk and banana at night?
Take a glass of milk and a banana at night. – Add 1-2 chopped bananas in it. Now mix it well and drink it.
If you workout at night then a mixture of banana and milk can be best for you. You can eat banana with milk before workout.

Banana with milk at night: Eating milk and banana at night is beneficial. But it can also cause harm to some people. Therefore, you should consume milk and banana together at night only on the advice of a doctor.

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