Do you want to stay young and healthy forever? Do you want to increase your lifespan by 25%? If yes, then this news is for you. A new study has found that a drug that targets a protein associated with inflammation can increase the lifespan of mice by 20%.

This drug targets a protein called interleukin-11 present in the body. This protein is associated with inflammation and accelerates the aging process in the body. The study found that blocking this protein helped mice stay healthy and live longer.

An experiment done on mice ,

In this study, the researchers conducted an experiment on mice. They removed the interleukin-11 gene in some mice and gave some mice a drug that blocks this protein. The results of the research were surprising. The lifespan of mice in which the interleukin-11 gene was removed or who were given the drug increased by 20% to 25%.

Will this medicine work on humans too?

Researchers say that this question cannot be answered properly right now. This study was done on mice and it is not necessary that it will work on humans as well. However, this is a promising start. Researchers are now planning to test this drug on humans.

Why is this discovery important?

This discovery is important because it shows the possibility of developing a new drug that can slow down the aging process. If this drug proves effective on humans, it can bring a revolutionary change in the treatment of many diseases like cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Should we get excited now?

According to the researchers, this finding is very promising, but we still need to be cautious. This is just one study and we need more research to confirm that this drug is safe and effective.

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